The entire world faces unprecedented environmental challenges from population growth, habitat degradation, extinctions, climate change, pollution, and resource depletion. Join us in trying to win this fight.

In our teaching and our research, the Department of Environmental Science and Policy plays a unique role in bringing together the natural sciences and social sciences, the two essential components of sustainable solutions to these challenges.

Xiaoli Dong and Frances C. Moore, who are both assistant professors in the Department of Environmental Science and Policy at UC Davis, with Marc N. Conte, an associate professor in the Department of Economics at Fordham University, outside Wickson Hall at UC Davis. (UC Davis Photo)


Frances Moore receives grant from the National Science Foundation
Press kit of roadkill maps


Road Ecology Center releases Wildlife Vehicle Conflict report
Article screenshot of Special issue of theoretical ecology to honor Alan Hastings’ 65th birthday


Special issue of theoretical ecology to honor Alan Hastings’ 65th birthday